A Muscle Contraction Where Tension Increases, but There Is No Movement:
Mechanisms of Cardiac Contraction and Relaxation
Douglas P. Zipes MD , in Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine , 2019
Isometric Versus Isotonic Contraction
Data for P0 are obtained under isometric conditions (length unchanged). When muscle is allowed to shorten against a steady load, the conditions areisotonic (tonic, "contractile force"). 4 Thus the force-velocity curve may be a combination of initial isometric conditions followed by isotonic contraction and then abrupt and total unloading to measure Vmax. Although isometric conditions can be found in the whole heart (e.g., during isovolumic contraction), isotonic conditions are rare because afterload is constantly changing during the ejection period, and complete unloading is impossible. However, as shortening progresses during ejection, the maximal P0 declines. and velocity is lower for any given nonzero load. Therefore the force-velocity relationship is heuristically useful, but measurements in vivo are limited.
Principles of Sports Rehabilitation
Jennifer Reed MD, FAAPMR , Jimmy D Bowen MD, FAAPMR, CSCS , in The Sports Medicine Resource Manual, 2008
Isometric contraction
Isometric contraction occurs when muscle length remains relatively constant as tension is produced. For example, during a biceps curl, holding the dumbbell in a constant/static position rather than actively raising or lowering it is an example of isometric contraction. 21,22 Although the forces generated during isometric contractions are potentially greater than during concentric contractions, muscles are seldom injured during this type of contraction. Isometric exercises are often used during the early phases of rehabilitating a musculotendinous injury because the intensity of contraction and the muscle length at which it contracts can be controlled. 19
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Contraction of Skeletal Muscle
John E. Hall PhD , in Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology , 2021
Isometric Contractions Do Not Shorten Muscle, Whereas Isotonic Contractions Shorten Muscle at a Constant Tension
Muscle contraction is said to beisometric when the muscle does not shorten during contraction andisotonic when it shortens but the tension on the muscle remains constant throughout the contraction. Systems for recording the two types of muscle contraction are shown in Figure 6-12 .
In the isometric system, the muscle contracts against a force transducer without decreasing the muscle length, as shown in the bottom panel ofFigure 6-12. In the isotonic system, the muscle shortens against a fixed load, which is illustrated in the top panel of the figure, showing a muscle lifting a weight. The characteristics of isotonic contraction depend on the load against which the muscle contracts, as well as the inertia of the load. However, the isometric system records changes in force of muscle contraction independently of load inertia. Therefore, the isometric system is often used when comparing the functional characteristics of different muscle types.
Introduction to Therapeutic Exercise for Rehabilitation
Kim Dunleavy , in Therapeutic Exercise Prescription, 2019
Types of Muscle Contraction
Isometric contractions are performed without joint motion and the muscle length remains constant. The use of isometric contractions may be indicated when there is joint damage and joint motion is contraindicated or likely to increase pain (Video 1.6), during early strengthening when the limb is supported, or to promote circulation through alternating contractions. Isometric contractions are also required for some functional activities (Fig. 1.3).
Fig. 1.3. (A) Isotonic (concentric and eccentric) contractions. (B) Isometric contractions.
From Thibodeau GA. Structure and Function of the Body. 14th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2012.Isotonic: Concentric
Isotonic contractions are performed with joint motion and the muscle length changes. A concentric contraction occurs with a shortening action of the muscle and results in joint motion (Video 1.7 and 1.8 ).
Isotonic: Eccentric
Eccentric contractions are also a form of isotonic contraction and occur when the muscle controls movement against resistance (including gravity) by lengthening or slowing the movement (Videos 1.2 and 1.5 ). Eccentric contractions occur during functional activities to control, counterbalance, or resist motion. The noncontractile components of the muscle (tendon, connective tissue components of muscle fibers) absorb a greater amount of the tensile forces than do concentric contractions.
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Cardiac Muscle; The Heart as a Pump and Function of the Heart Valves
John E. Hall PhD , in Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology , 2021
Period of Isovolumic (Isometric) Contraction
Immediately after ventricular contraction begins, the ventricular pressure rises abruptly, as shown in Figure 9-8 , causing the A-V valves to close. Then, an additional 0.02 to 0.03 second is required for the ventricle to build up sufficient pressure to push the semilunar (aortic and pulmonary) valves open against the pressures in the aorta and pulmonary artery. Therefore, during this period, contraction is occurring in the ventricles, but no emptying occurs. This period is called the period ofisovolumic orisometric contraction, meaning that cardiac muscle tension is increasing but little or no shortening of the muscle fibers is occurring.
Lower leg
Jane E Carreiro DO , in Pediatric Manual Medicine, 2009
Externally Rotated Tibia (Fig. 6.15)
Isometric contraction is used to correct the mechanical dysfunction.
- 1.
The patient is seated with the leg passively extended and resting across the physician's knees. The physician should be seated somewhat below the patient, allowing for a slight flexion in the patient's knee.
- 2.
The tibia is rotated internally to the barrier, without causing any rotation in the thigh.
- 3.
The patient is asked to gently turn his leg towards external rotation, thereby externally rotating the tibia. The physician resists this movement to the extent that the long restrictors of the knee are engaged. Care is taken that there is no undue stress placed on the ligamentous structures of the knee.
- 4.
This isometric contraction is maintained for 4–5 seconds, and then the patient is asked to cease contraction while the physician simultaneously reduces her counterforce.
- 5.
The physician maintains contact and waits for tissue relaxation (approximately 4–5 seconds).
- 6.
The physician internally rotates the tibia to reposition it to the new barrier. The sequence is repeated twice.
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Therapeutic Exercise
David Hryvniak , ... Siobhan M. Statuta , in Braddom's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Sixth Edition), 2021
Types of Muscle Contraction
Isometric contractions are contractions in which there is no change in the length of the muscle. No joint or limb motion occurs. Isotonic contractions occur when the muscle changes length, producing limb motion. Concentric contractions occur when the muscle shortens. Eccentric contractions occur when the muscle lengthens. More fast-twitch fibers are recruited during eccentric contractions. Isokinetic contractions occur when muscle contraction is performed at a constant velocity. This can be done only with the assistance of a preset rate-limiting device. This type of exercise does not exist in nature.
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Tissue-Specific Exercises for the Upper Extremity
Peggy Stein , Lori Falkel , in Cooper's Fundamentals of Hand Therapy, 2020
Types of Muscle Work and Training Effects
Isometric muscle contraction is the production of muscle tension without a change in muscle length or joint angle. The tension in the cross-bridges (the portion of myosin filament that pulls the actin filaments toward the center of the sarcomere during muscle contraction) is equal to the resistive force, thereby maintaining constant muscle length.
Concentric muscle contraction is muscle shortening as the muscle produces tension while the insertion moves toward the origin. Movement occurs in the same direction as the tension and joint motion because the contractile force is greater than the resistive force. Based on the sliding filament theory, the cross-bridges on the myosin filament attach to the active site on the actin filament. When all the muscle cross-bridges shorten in a single cycle, the muscle shortens by approximately 1%. Muscles have the capacity to shorten up to 60% of their resting length; therefore the contraction cycle must be repeated multiple times. 17
Eccentric muscle contraction is muscle lengthening as the muscle produces tension and the insertion moves away from the origin. The net muscle movement is in the opposite direction of the force of the muscle because the contractile force is less than the resistive force. Eccentric contractions require less energy than concentric contractions and are thought to be responsible for some aspect of postexercise muscle soreness. The cross-bridges of myosin stay attached to the active sites while the resistance is lowered. It may be the actual "tearing" away of the cross-bridges while resisting the lowering of a heavy resistance that results in the delayed-onset muscle soreness. 17,18
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Mobility, Trauma, and Psychologically Informed Concepts for Exercise Choice, Parameters, and Progression
Kim Dunleavy , in Therapeutic Exercise Prescription, 2019
Stability Concepts: Type of Exercise
Isometric contractions, small midrange isotonic contractions, oscillations, rhythmic stabilization, or agonist/antagonist reversals are all appropriate methods for enhancing muscle support within midrange (see Table 6.3). Closed-chain positions provide joint compressive forces that result in sensory feedback, which, in turn assists with postural muscle activation and support (Videos 2.24, 6.16, and 6.18 ). 63 Coordinated muscle activation around the joint creates a centralized axis of motion and increases stability of the lever system. Closed-chain exercise involves movement at multiple joints, and motion at the proximal or distal joints can be used to help distribute forces. If motion is distributed to surrounding joints, the forces on the injured or hypermobile area are reduced and there is less chance of reaching the extreme ranges where the tissues are most vulnerable to combinations of stress and strain. Exercising in the midrange and avoiding the end range decreases the excessive shear forces and motion allowed by slack or absent support from the inert structures. Therefore, it is important to include goals to improve range-specific muscle activation, endurance, and strength. Balance activities trigger vestibular and ocular reflexes that automatically stimulate the balance and equilibrium reactions that involve postural muscle activity to bring the body back to a midposition (Videos 6.21 and 6.26 ). Therefore, using balance responses is one of the quickest and most automatic methods for promoting postural muscle stability. Oscillations or perturbations challenge alternating muscles and also create the same effect (Videos 6.21 and 6.25 ). 64,65 A comparison of the types of exercise and parameters used for hypomobility and hypermobility impairments is illustrated in Fig. 6.5 and found in Table 6.4.
Fig. 6.5. Comparison of hypomobility and hypermobility goals.
TABLE 6.4. Comparison of Hypomobility and Hypermobility
Type of Exercise and Parameters | Hypomobility | Hypermobility | |
Goals | Improve range of motion or pain-free range of motion Use available range of motion during functional activities Maintain improvements in range of motion or maintain available range of motion | Limit excessive forces, particularly at end ranges Improve force closure to distribute forces Facilitate neuromuscular activation Improve muscle endurance and strength to limit forces on inert structures Improve neuromuscular coordination Improve proprioceptive awareness | |
Type of exercise | Usually open-chain (progression into closed-chain if required for function in Phase III) Active-assisted, gravity-assisted, therapist-assisted, or pulley-assisted Passive positioning Passive or active-assisted prolonged stretching Active isotonic Followed by isometric or isotonic contractions to maintain range | Closed-chain Active isometric or small-range isotonic followed by isotonic through midranges Controlled movement through end range (not excessive or beyond normal limits) | |
Precautions | Avoid excessive stress or strain (especially combined) resulting in connective tissue critical failure and inflammation | Avoid extreme range Avoid prolonged holds or positions toward end range | |
Parameters | Position | End range (joint or muscle) Use gravity, pulleys, or active muscle contractions to assist full range or stretch Progress to positions requiring anti-gravity motion | Midrange (joint and muscle) Supported, progressing to unsupported Progress to positions challenging control through range Closed-chain to promote centralized axis of motion |
Dosage | Progress from low loads in the extreme ranges with high repetitions to low loads with sustained holds Oscillations to reach end range without excessive strain or to address pain Maximal length of affected tissue Progress time of hold or load Allow some time to accommodate to new lengths before progressing load | Progress from low loads, high repetitions (activation) focusing on correct timing, sequencing, and targets to low loads, high repetitions OR prolonged isometric holds with low loads (endurance). Progress to higher loads, lower repetitions in midrange (strength) Oscillations to promote alternating muscle activation in midrange (neuromuscular activation) Mid- or shortened range of affected tissue Ability to maintain position is a priority before progressing load Progressing range is the last priority | |
Functional requirements | Progress toward functional range requirements | Progress toward performing functional activities without exceeding joint or muscle extremes of range | |
Priorities | Increase or maintain range of motion Avoid compensations at other joints or areas to isolate the affected area Ensure that hypomobility is related to restricted soft tissue and not due to muscle spasm that is masking hypermobility | Maintain midrange or avoid reaching extreme ranges Avoid early or excessive motion at hypermobile region Address neuromuscular coordination with progressive muscle challenge: muscle activation (anticipatory), recruitment of local stabilizing muscles before global stabilizing muscles, followed by global movers Ability to monitor and adapt movement strategies Proprioceptive awareness Postural muscle endurance | |
Evaluation and monitoring | Pain responses during and after exercise (delayed-onset muscle soreness) Range of motion End feel (especially for muscle guarding) | Pain responses after exercise (delayed-onset muscle soreness) Specific muscle function capabilities Neuromuscular coordination; support and stability around hypermobile area before distal movement | |
Tips | Avoid excessive pain; use oscillations or short hold if pain responses are causing muscle guarding | Use motor learning principles to facilitate muscle activation and change motor patterns Practice new patterns with feedback, then fade feedback as retention improves External feedback (taping, props, equipment, visual input, auditory input) can be used to augment sensory input | |
Other interventions | Joint mobilization or manipulation | Taping |
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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Approaches to Pain Management
Steven Stanos D.O. , ... Jeffrey L. Young M.D. , in Essentials of Pain Medicine and Regional Anesthesia (Second Edition), 2005
Types of Muscle Contractions:
An isometric contraction is a muscle contraction without motion. Isometric contractions are used to stabilize a joint, such as when a weight is held at waist level neither raising nor lowering it. Dynamic contractions are muscle contractions with a fixed amount of weight. They are divided into concentric and eccentric contractions. A concentric contraction occurs when the muscle length is shortened during a contraction, e.g., a biceps curl. An eccentric contraction occurs when the muscle length is increased during the contraction, i.e., the "negative" contraction. Eccentric contractions are used for decelerating or controlling motions. Isokinetic contractions are activated at a constant velocity and are artificially created by types of exercise equipment. Measurements of these contractions are often used in research settings but little relevance has been proven under real conditions. Plyometrics refers to a contraction sequence when a rapid eccentric contraction precedes a concentric contraction such as during a jump. An example is a jumper lowering the body and eccentrically loading the gluteal muscles prior to the jump which then requires concentric gluteal muscle contraction. Plyometric training can be especially useful in sport-specific rehabilitation. Strength is the maximal force generated during a single contraction while power is the amount of force generated per unit time. Power may be more important to emphasize for a person to return to maximal function. The amount of force generated by muscle contraction type from highest to lowest is: eccentric > isometric > concentric.
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A Muscle Contraction Where Tension Increases, but There Is No Movement:
Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/muscle-isometric-contraction
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